Monday, October 20, 2008

i gots me some

Sooo, I got an apprenticeship with a sweet, sweet letterpress company located in West Asheville. The joint is called the Blue Barnhouse. They make and print beautiful handmade cards, invitations, posters, coasters and other paper products. They do this by using hand cranked letterpresses.

It is unpaid. But it is way awesome, so it makes up for the lack of moolah. It also means I'm getting free education. So makes it even sweeter.

(A sampling of their raunchy cards.)

Check out the cute little place, I can guarantee you that you'll find many things that you'll like and will want to purchase. Immediately.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I was minding my own business and doing my darnedest at procrastinating when what do I find but a link from SensibleKitty about an internship for an eco-friendly fair trade company. So despite my procrastinating, I checked out the internship.

The company: interrupcion* fair trade (or, in English, interruption* fair trade).
The work: Responsible Consumption Campaign* sessions where you oversee in-store tastings that use interrupcion* fair trade products. These sessions are to create dialog with people about fair trade, sustainable agriculture and community investment.

(Yum. Organic fair trade pear.)

So basically it would be me feeding people and talking with them about many of the things that really interest - like sustainable agriculture, the need of community involvement, and fair trade.

Sounds like fun, eh? I'm excited about it. I just hope that they take an interest in me as well.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Been reading some lovely magazines lately. Here's the ones on the top of my list:

bust: "For women with something to get off their chests," bust is my fav by far. This is the one mag. subscription that I want to keep. All others pale in comparison. It's funky. It's diy. It's opinionated. It's fun. It's creative. I LOVE it.

nylon: It's very, very hip. hip in the rock n' roll sort of way. The mag. likes to think it's cutting edge, funky, and indie. And while it is all of these things, it's so hip that it can be annoying. But it always has great tidbits of info on new movies, fashion & music.

(Don't tell me you've never heard of Santogold before! If you've been visiting my blog, then I know you have...)

missbehave: This magazine is truly unique. At least, for me it is. It seems to be meant for women living in urban areas. I feel like I've stepped into New York everytime I read it. "For the fashion rebel," it has some of the best articles I've read about the freshest musicians and fashion that is out.

Ch-ch-check 'em out!
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