February is a crazy month for me. It begins with Bastien's and mine 6th year anniversary on the 5th, then it jumps to crazy old valentines (validation) day, then skips on to one of my best bud's 25th bday on the 18th and then completes the month with my 25th bday on the 26th! Aye!
Right now in my life, I'm still considering lots of things because at the approach of my quarter-life crisis I know I still have plenty of time to contemplate. Here are some of the contemplations/plans:
-I'm still working at my most favorite place of employment ever,
The Littlest Birds. I'm only working half-time right now because that's all the time they can give me...but...soon come I will be getting many more hours. Come August/September of this year I will be working nearly full-time when one of the owners moves. Her and her lovely spouse will be moving to go to grad school and
I will get to take over her time. I am so excited and so privileged to get this opportunity to run a small, locally-owned business. I am also way impatient and would love for this to happen
NOW! But patience is a virtue, I hear.
-I've been yearning to take some more classes. I am so in love with this
Earth we live on and I want to do as much as I can for it. Despite this passion, I need to be more knowledgeable. I need to know some basic science, some basic scientific facts. I have never been a
science kind of girl, but I really want to take some herbalism classes at the
Appalachian School of Herbalism (so I can grow my own awesome garden and create my own beauty and cleaning products) and I want to take lots of environmental science, botany and ecology classes so I can be a better educated environmentalist. I'm starting to look at ways of doing that in Western NC.
-I want a car! Ack, I have a very deep love/hate relationship with the
Asheville Transit System, the sweet thing. But I want a car. And even better, I'm thinking about getting a diesel car so I can use biodiesel to run it. That's right, ya'll - I want a vegetable car! ;) I'm thinking about getting a late 90's VW diesel car. It's pretty much my choice of a Mercedes or a Volkswagen, only. Not many other cars have
diesel engines.
beer! The beau, er, fiancé, and I have been
brewing beer (well, mostly the beau). And we love it! And he loves it! I really do believe he has found his passion and his life path.
Whew! So our plan, now? Create a microbrewery/restaurant. I won't give any more details on that plan right now. It's so juicy and delectable, but it still needs to do a bit of
fermenting (ba-da-ching!) before more details are released. Let's just say I love to write business plans and I've already got a good start on this one.
-Oh man, I just have too many ideas and plans and desires, it's almost too much! Oh, and I have, like, no money. No money to save, no money to invest. Nada. Anyways, I would also like to have my own business where I sell handmade, handcrafted, preferably local, goods for the home. And of course I have a business plan written already. ;)
-I would also like to be an environmental constultant. Hence, the desire and need to take some environmental science classes. I figure I could hire myself out to plenty of people who need some practical and easy advice on taking steps to helping the
-Oh yes, I'm a
bridesmaid. I'm one for the wonderful, soon-to-be-my-sister-in-law-in-just-over-a-year
-And then I have a
wedding of my own to plan. (Wow, did I really just say that? Good god.) But it will be lighter on the wedding planning and much heavier on the party/reception and the traveling/honeymoon planning. I've already got some ideas floating around in that
lil' head of mine...like May 1st, courthouse wedding, big-arse party in a park/backyard/natural, outdoor setting with lots of friends and fam, family celebration in France and
Corsica traveling afterward.
A lot, a lot. A lot that I like.