Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tired of the Job Hunt

I love you, The Littlest Birds, really I do - but you're not giving me enough hours. And my bills are squeezing me to death.

I have to find something to compensate, but Demand Studios editors can be such complete morons, making it really discouraging to write for a real income.

Job hunting is so fatiguing. I'm so sick of it. I've been doing it nearly constantly for almost three years now. I am so tired of it. When will my one real job come?


Anonymous said...

Hey sweetie! I SO feel your pain. Anyhow, I found a local job lead you might be interested, and I DMed the info to your twitter handle. :) Good luck, and wish me the same! Cheers!

Ambie said...

thank you so much ashley sue! you are always the best when it comes to job leads! we're bonded by unemployment! :)

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