Wednesday, December 24, 2008

have a holly jolly christmas

Le sigh...I love being off of work and with my most beloved friends and family. I love spending the holidays with my bf's family. I love dis french family. And do I ever love the french food. (I wish I could show you how much I am drooling right now! Wait, no, I don't. But I do wish you could smell the food - then you'd be drooling.)

In the spirit of this season, I'd like to wish everyone out there a very happy, pleasant and warm holidays (whichever you are celebrating is up to you).

(Photo courtesy of mercurian.)

Please, relax for a while, with your family and friends and enjoy the peaceful, happy times.

Monday, December 22, 2008

tis the season

I've been super busy lately. I've been working like an ox (well, this is my Chinese astrological sign...) at the bookstore, buying presents, making presents, wrapping them all up, making pretty decorations for the apt (so it can look remotely festive and femme), packing, moving and unpacking, preparing for three festive days, and cuddling with my love.

(Droolicious. Photo courtesy of juliedesmeules.)

So these are the things have kept me away from my ole woman (i.e. my blog!). But all in all, they are good things, and I am thankful for it all when it comes down to it. So when you feel like absolute poop and you think you couldn't be more irritated/angry/fill-in-the-negative-feeling - sit down, breathe and think about everything good in your life, the people that love you. It makes all the negativity slip away. :)


Monday, December 8, 2008


In helping out the beau (yes, he's the beau, again) look for French teaching resources, I discovered an awesome site for teachers called TeacherTube. While browsing this informative site I stumbled upon a young writer. This girl is Adora-ble.

Named Adora, she has already written many books, stories and poems just at the age of nine. She also teaches writing workshops and holds video conferences. Reading her blog is fantastic. She sounds much older than she is. And she is a delight to read. I found myself with my mouth open, with laughter at the edge of my mouth, disbelieving she could be so young and write with such personality.

I know this is pretty random. But it is such an inspiration to read about Adora and to read the writings of Adora. To be so young and so accomplished is great. Humbling. Inspiring. I think I'm going to write now and get some other things done. I am nearly three times her age and I haven't written a single book. I've got some catching up to do. ;)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

a day in the life of Asheville, NC

I was tagged (a long, long, long time ago) by the languorous lulu to describe a day in _(fill in the blank) through mostly pics and a little words. So here we go: A day in the life of Asheville, NC (my hometown).

Bicycles, Coffee & Laptops

A small city of just over 70,000, a morning in Asheville is filled with bicyclists, coffee shops & laptops. You can find numerous coffee shops with both hippies and techies populating the small and smokey joints throughout Asheville, where all the coffee houses tout the best organic, fair-trade and shade grown coffee and tea.

Activism & Progressives

Asheville is a melting pot of different people and various ideas and cultures. Although the city is not very ethnically diverse, the range of ideas and events found in Asheville come from all parts of the world and times. You will often see a parade of protesters go through the town chanting or see them sitting silently by the city's war monument in protest or support of some challenged cause.

Books, Arts & Crafts

The city of Asheville is also known for all types of artists flocking to the city and the surrounding areas. We have many shops that sell sweet arts and crafts goods, as well as ones that hold classes on subjects ranging from weaving to jewelry making. We also have an awesome River Arts District, which homes a variety of artists, galleries and studios.

Indie & Folk Bands & Beer

I like to end my days in Asheville by sipping on my current favorite microbrew, the Wedge Gollem, while playing pool, shooting darts, or while listening to a local band in one of the many pubs or music venues around the town. If I'm not in the mood to go out, then renting a movie and getting cozy at home is the next best option.

One Other Tidbit:

*Asheville LOVES their dogs (and cats, too). They can be found in many places around the our workplaces, video stores, craft stores, and bakeries. For cats, just look around our bookstores.

Voila! Un jour dans Asheville, NC!
Until next time.

Friday, November 21, 2008

love it!

I just found this sweet, sweet blog. I think it's one of those sites that just sits perfectly with me. Plus, I'd like to think, I can relate to the writer. The blog is called Loving/Living/Small.

It's about this chica who has great style and taste and who lives in a small apartment. She writes about living small but with a good eye for organization, details and design. Although she is about to move into a slightly bigger place, she is still going to live in a smaller area and so will still be able dish about living lovely in a small amount of space. It's definitely worth checking out. She's got a fabulous life and a fabulous eye.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

new fav. band!

Here's the latest I've been listening to. They are called Deerhoof:

I discovered them at the printing shop I'm interning at. They've done some posters for them and we were listening to them the other day when we were working.

Also, a really cool side note: a coworker of mine at the print shop is in this awesome local band, named Menage. You may recognize their tune "Tomatoes" - it's actually used in a Hunt's tomato commercial:

Funny, I actually saw the band play a couple of years ago. Who knew I'd be working with one of them years later? :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

16 random things

So, I have been tagged by the lovely Kimberly to write about 16 random things. Here are the rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a note with 16 random things, shortcomings, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose 16 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them.

1. Growing up, I have wanted to be a painter, a vet, a paleontologist, a fashion designer, a linguist, a history professor, an environmental educator and a specialty boutique owner. I have finally decided to combine my many loves and to pursue becoming a DIY/craft/green living designer, educator and shop

2. When applying to colleges in high school, I choose to not apply to my then dream school Savannah College of Art & Design (SCAD) because I was afraid that I was neither talented nor rich enough to go there (in 2001, their tuition already reached over 30 grand/yr.). The irony of it all, is that I went to a college that cost me just a mere 10 grand less than SCAD and was my last choice of schools. I do not regret going to Warren Wilson College, but I do wish I had applied to SCAD. Since then, I try to never let my fears or doubts rule my decisions.

3. I love ruffles, lace; delicate, feminine objects; softness; a sense of whimsy; dark, rich fall colors; bright, light, airy colors; light clothing and layers in the cold months; flow, twirl, ease; a strange balance between graceful ease & clumsiness; eeriness, sunshine; dirt, trees, enchanted forests; the slow crash of waves with a sea breeze.

4. I am partial to female singers and bands ---> Regina Spektor, Feist, Kate Nash, Lily Allen, Blondie, Le Tigre, CSS, M.I.A., Santagold.

5. Yet, I am prefer male teachers/professors. It is unfortunate to say this, but from what I've experienced, female teachers are more lax about deadlines, about structure or they are too mothering, too soft, to timid. I hate to talk about stereotypes, but for the vast majority of my female teachers, they have been this way. I can be a stickler for sticking to deadlines and structure, so that is why I prefer this kind of teacher. I can name only two female teachers who broke this trend and who I loved, while I can name more male teachers.

6. I also tend to love guitar gods (I adore a good rift), British rock bands, French folk, pop & rap music, and indie musicians ---> Jimi Hendrix, Tom Morello, The Doors, Rolling Stone, Beatles,

7. While I do LOVE deadlines, due dates, scheduling, organization and structure, I do need & take many healthy doses of spontaneity, creativity, coloring outside the lines, and breaking of the rules. I do despise authority, strangely.

8. I am very good with writing a lot of information (especially when it's about the things I love), but (thankfully) I am quite good at editing and being brief (but only when it is absolutely required). I used to be the queen of redundancy and repetition; now I know how to cut out all the unnecessary stuff and stick to the bare minimum. Bye-bye adverbs and synonyms.

9. If you haven't noticed already, I also love parentheses and semi-colons. But I stay away from exclamations points at all costs in my more serious writing (i.e. almost everything but messaging).

10. While I don't think I'm stuck up or elitist, I do admit I can be a bit of a snob about some, er, many, grammar, wine, beer, cheese, bread, coffee, books, and movies.

11. I want to be as self-sufficient, sustainable & DIY, yet in a communal living sort of way, as possible. I am on a mission to find out how to do everything myself. And then tell everyone else how to do it. I hope for people can be less reliant on corporations and more reliant on themselves and their community(s).

12. I ADORE Eastern culture: religions, philosophies, techniques, remedies, healing, medicines, living...the list goes on. I've been interested in Buddhism for quite a while now, but over the years I've become more and more interested in other items of Eastern origins ---> Hinduism, acupuncture, Qi, yoga & meditation.

13. I can't deny it, no matter what, I will always love France and French culture. I have met, seriously, the best French family in the world. And not only am I in love with all of them, but I am also in love with everything about who they are, how they live, and where they live. If I could pick only one word to describe them, it would have to be, without a doubt, welcoming.

14. I love old movies. Black and white? Oh dear, yes, please. I love old actresses. My favorite actress of all time is Audrey Hepburn. She is pure class, sophistication, femininity and talent.

15. Ever since I took Latin in high school, I love trying to derive words. Since Latin is a base for the romantic languages, many of the those languages are derived from the Latin tongue. One of the things you learn in Latin class is how to figure out other words from the words' base forms (derivation). And since I have taken Spanish and French and since I'm a native English speaker, whenever I see a new word (in whichever language it is), I immediately try to figure out what it means from my Latin learning.

16. I am a domesticity-loving, multitasker. I love making grocery lists and shopping lists. I love scheduling out my day's, week's, month's, and year's activities. I love finding new recipes and trying them out (and altering them!). I love making a place look nice and orderly and actually be nice and orderly. I love having friends and family over for dinner parties. I love crafting things for my home and for others. I love doing things for myself and for others. Ectera, ectera.

Ok, so now I'm supposed to tag 16 people, but f-that, I'll tag 6. Close enough for me! :)

1. Lulu. I lurve you and I always want to know more about you!

2. Reduce Footprints. I don't really know you, but I dig your values so lemme in on some of you!

3. Candace. I've just met you once, but you were really sweet. :)

4. Jennifer. I've met you more than once but I don't really know you, except that you are super nice and friendly.

5. Anne Marie. You just started your blog, so here's a good exercise for you to try out. Plus, I'd like to know more about you!

6. Mary-Laure. I love you blog. I love your history and your parents' history. So, I'd like to know some more about you!


Monday, November 10, 2008

actively active

As I listen to Harry Potter Bk. 5 on tape and multitask as best I can, I am multitasking in my head, as well. A list, for you (b/c I know you are aching in your joints from the last one):

To do--->
-Job searching! I work at a bookstore, part-time. I also intern at an awesome print shop, but it's unpaid. So I need to find some other source of income whether it's another generic mall job or some freelance offers that I'd like to have but don't. ;)

-Getting my freelance butt out there! I've always said I was a freelance writer but I have never actually written freelance. I am going to advertise myself out there...craigslist, mountain xpress, digital forums and other writer's forums.
-Wallpaper stripping. I have committed to redo my bud's bathroom in exchange for a month's rent. I have taken absolutely bloody forever taking down the wallpaper and still have to paint it. You would not believe how long it takes to take off wallpaper!!! (Yes, this warrants three exclamation points!)

-Making lists, of course! Christmas, er, excuse me, I want to start calling it Winter Solstice now...Yes, Winter Solstice lists for others and for myself. Budget lists so I can possibly start saving some real money. Lists so I can see the progress I'm making on my big goal: learning diy things, arts and crafts so I can build up a portfolio and open my own company/store. I'm on my way!

(I vawnt me an Etsy shop!)

-Lots and nothing much at the same time.
-To be cozily back in my apt.
-To make things in my own kitchen. To be trying recipes and have that space of my own to do so.
-Learning more crafts.
-Reading and applying herbal remedies and reflexology techniques. (I've been reading about them lately - I've recently increased my interest in alternative medicines and Eastern philosophies.)
-To sift through my belongings and clear out the unnecessary.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


A little glow around the roller girl has been emanating recently. Positive things are going on and I'm pretty darn happy and optimistic about these things.

(Photo courtesy of flickr.)

I don't want to go too far into details but one thing I will reveal that I'm super happy about is that frikking Barack Obama is going to be our next president! I am so happy that the majority of the nation has come to its senses and voted not only for a good Democrat and not only for our first black president but for someone who is ready to end this war in Iraq, to end our fossil fuel dependence, to create and invest in more alternative energies, and someone who is full on board for more green jobs and sustainable living.

I have to say I'm "cautiously optimistic." :)

Monday, October 20, 2008

i gots me some

Sooo, I got an apprenticeship with a sweet, sweet letterpress company located in West Asheville. The joint is called the Blue Barnhouse. They make and print beautiful handmade cards, invitations, posters, coasters and other paper products. They do this by using hand cranked letterpresses.

It is unpaid. But it is way awesome, so it makes up for the lack of moolah. It also means I'm getting free education. So makes it even sweeter.

(A sampling of their raunchy cards.)

Check out the cute little place, I can guarantee you that you'll find many things that you'll like and will want to purchase. Immediately.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I was minding my own business and doing my darnedest at procrastinating when what do I find but a link from SensibleKitty about an internship for an eco-friendly fair trade company. So despite my procrastinating, I checked out the internship.

The company: interrupcion* fair trade (or, in English, interruption* fair trade).
The work: Responsible Consumption Campaign* sessions where you oversee in-store tastings that use interrupcion* fair trade products. These sessions are to create dialog with people about fair trade, sustainable agriculture and community investment.

(Yum. Organic fair trade pear.)

So basically it would be me feeding people and talking with them about many of the things that really interest - like sustainable agriculture, the need of community involvement, and fair trade.

Sounds like fun, eh? I'm excited about it. I just hope that they take an interest in me as well.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Been reading some lovely magazines lately. Here's the ones on the top of my list:

bust: "For women with something to get off their chests," bust is my fav by far. This is the one mag. subscription that I want to keep. All others pale in comparison. It's funky. It's diy. It's opinionated. It's fun. It's creative. I LOVE it.

nylon: It's very, very hip. hip in the rock n' roll sort of way. The mag. likes to think it's cutting edge, funky, and indie. And while it is all of these things, it's so hip that it can be annoying. But it always has great tidbits of info on new movies, fashion & music.

(Don't tell me you've never heard of Santogold before! If you've been visiting my blog, then I know you have...)

missbehave: This magazine is truly unique. At least, for me it is. It seems to be meant for women living in urban areas. I feel like I've stepped into New York everytime I read it. "For the fashion rebel," it has some of the best articles I've read about the freshest musicians and fashion that is out.

Ch-ch-check 'em out!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


It's officially Fall now, so I thought I'd think [out loud] about some of the best parts of this fresh season.

1. Sipping on hot tea. My favorite is Chai, with a little soy milk. But any tea will do it for me, be it green, black or white.
2. Sweaters, pea coats, gloves and handmade scarves. I just love cuddling closer to these soft fabrics as cool breezes refresh my skin.
3. The changing colors of the leaves. I live nestled in some of best mountains in the country - the Great Smoky Mountains, which is part of the Appalachian Mountains. While the leaves manage to attract visitors from all over the nation this area, for me, this time serves for plenty of leaf gazing and colorful inspirations as I wind my way through the precipitous roads of the area.
4. Pies/Cinnamon. This is the perfect time to make pies. And no matter what kind of pie I make, it has to be topped with cinnamon. I think cinnamon was created during the Fall, when you just need a hint of sweet spice to warm you all over.

(Oh, sigh, yum...courtesy of nigel appleton.)

5. Cold cheeks with a rosy blush. As the wind whips its way around you and you tighten your coat around you, you can't get away from getting rosy cheeks. I love this combination of cold and warm all at once. It is refreshing and perks me right up.

Bisous & happy Autumn!

Friday, September 26, 2008


So here's the latest, wha-wha:

-I've got a job! Two, actually. They are far from my ideal jobs, but they work for the present time. They are:
...Bookstore X & Shoe store Y. At the bookstore I am sales associate, while I have somehow miraculously snagged a job as keyholder at the shoe store. A keyholder is, for those of you who have never worked in retail, a managerial position. I suppose you are given a key and some responsibility. I'm especially excited about working at the bookstore b/c, well, I lurve books! And if there is anything I can get excited about when trying to sell something, then it's books. I'll be working part time at both of these jobs but they should add up to nearly full time work. We shall see. At this point, it's just good that I'm employed.

-I was able to get my loan payments deferred for 6 months. Yay! This is sooooo, so good. I was paying $200/month, which is a huge, huge expense. This is a huge relief and will enable me to save more money.

-I went to Knoxville last week and hung out the oh-so-lovely Lu. I had an absolutely awesome time there. I love hanging out with Lu and it was a good break for me - a good change of pace for a while. I also went to some of her classes and I took full advangtage of some free education. I also went to a club with her and some of her friends. This was a hilarious and head-trippy time. I got really drunk on cheap beer and bootydanced with her friends. Who-wee. We also hit up this sweet hookah joint, which withheld many mellow times. Good times, indeed.

(Poster from Knoxville club.)

So that's that and this is this.
I'm optimistic. Hope it lasts!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

gas crisis

So kids, if you have been alive at all in the past week, you will know that the southern United States is going through a gas crisis currently. First, gas prices spiked when Hurricanes Ike and Gustav were making their ways through the eastern U.S. Gas prices got as high as $4.99. This happened in Asheville, Knoxville and probably in some other places as well.

And now, more recently, prices went down a bit (cue the chorus of "whews" and "thank gods"), but instead of relief the southeast has been faced with another complication - gas shortages. The southeast is going through massive gas shortages, which has led to many, many people going crazy for gas. There are now long lines of cars pouring out from any gas station that has just received gas. The lines pour out into roads and go on for blocks sometimes. I've seen nearly 30 cars (those are just the ones I could count!) lined up.

With this ridiculousness going on and with Wall Street going through a deep downfall (recession), it makes one think that things are happening. There is a tension in the American air. America seems to be falling. America seems to be no longer king, the leader. Will there be revolution? Probably not. Not now, at least. Let's see what else will happen in the next few months, years. I feel like we are coming upon a climax. We will just have to see what happens...

Monday, September 15, 2008

a new planned obsession

I found a some new blogs recently that I'm absolutely in love with now. One of the things I love, love, love about the internet is the free exchange of positive and awesome ideas. I love that you don't have to pay money to learn something, or many somethings. And all of the sites I found do just that.

Crafting a Green World
Etsy's Storque

(One of etsy's many helpful how-to videos.)

Thread Banger
Your Impact Matters

Check them out!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

chalk violet

What color are you? Me, I'm Chalk Violet. I love astrology. Really, it's a hobby/interest of mine. One little diddy I found is colorstrology. Here's more about me through this little find...

birthday: feb. 26

color: chalk violet
attributes: kind;

(This, folks, is Chalk Violet!)

about feb. 26:
"once you commit yourself to something, it is important that you do it well. this is in regards to both relationships and work. you can be hard on yourself and others especially if the people around you are careless or lazy. you want to feel passionate about something and to support this passion with action. your personal color lends sensitivity to your strength. wearing, meditating, or surrounding yourself with chalk violet helps you transform any hurts or wounds that you may experience into a depth of understanding and a desire to live life truthfully and lovingly."

What color are you?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

oy vey

Hey everyone, I'm still here. Just stressed is all.

I did finally move from my cute apt. in the best neighborhood in my area to a friend's place. It has been a tough move. I have so much support. But I am feeling like a pest to everyone. Having no car and not living where I use to live SUCKS.

Being in this new place away from the Frenchman has, I don't know, maybe changed things between us? Not sure if things are better or worse. I feel like every other day I am telling my friends/my mom that I have just had a huge talk/fight w/zee Frenchman. It's exhausting. It's safe to say that, at least.

It's also safe to say that we are both making efforts to concentrate on ourselves. I have to let go and not think about him possibly coming back to me. If it happens, it will happen and there's nothing I can do about.

For a girl like me who's always been on top of her game, this new territory is confusing, straining and scary. I just don't know what I'm doing now. So I have taken steps to figure out my life. And next Tuesday I will hopefully be able to breathe a little easier.

I am also waiting too-anxiously about this company I've been interviewing with. For them to be so adamant about getting a person for the job in asap, they are taking their precious time. It's frustrating. I am going to have put my pride aside and apply for places I don't actually want to work at. It's getting to that point. Finding a good, well-paying job in Asheville is nearly impossible. Argh.

(I'd like to go here & destress. Beautiful photo courtesy of Guido 62.)

Well this is just a little update. Hopefully (I know they will), things will slowly get better and I'll be back to life-lovin' self.

Love &

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

home, sweet home

I will be moving out of my quaint little apartment this week. And, no, I haven't found a sufficient replacement yet. That is why, after being offered many, many times, I have accepted the invitation to live at my friend's house. I have been against this idea for some time now, but after looking sadly at my bank account and realizing that I'm going to need to save as much money as humanly possible in the upcoming months, I have given in to the hard cold fact that I need to stay somewhere where I won't have to spend too much money.

(One day I will be back in this sweet, sweet neighborhood.)

There are many reasons I have been hesitant. I love this friend. She is a best friend. But should you live with your best friend? I learned the hard that living with your good friends isn't always the best or smartest idea for your friendship. My friend also lives with her mother and relations between the two of them aren't always the smoothest. Her mother has always been super nice to me, but I'm just hoping that I won't get entangled in their mess. The house also isn't in central downtown, which is where I was hoping to stay. I love the area, full of hub-bub and life. Always something happening and easy access to public transportation and in good walking distance of almost everything awesome. The house isn't too far away though, about a 10 min. drive but I don't have a car and the roads are not built to be walked on in my friend's neighborhood. I'm a little afraid of becoming a "prisoner" (yes, that sounds a bit over dramatic) there and becoming claustrophobic in this home. One other thing is that I've been very independent for a long time. I've basically lived on my own since starting college 5 years ago and I don't like depending on people for certain things all of the time. I am going to be depending on my friend for rides - and probably other things, too, that I can't think of right now. These are just some of my worries, but I'm hoping they will remain unrealized worries.

I am fortunate to have this option. I am fortunate to have friends and family offer me this kind of support. Incredibly fortunate. They are good people and I hope to not take advantage of them.

The plan, I think, is to pay my friend's mom about $100/month. $100, that's it. I'll be paying for electricity, water, internet and cable (even though I will refrain from TV as much as possible) with that $100. So cheap. So nice. I plan on buying my own food, but I have a feeling that they'll offer to buy me food and supplies quite often. The one expense I will have that will be a lot more than before is gas. Since I'll be depending on my friend for rides I will definitely have to pay for gas. But this is still less money than I'd be spending otherwise. I will also be deferring my loan payments until further notice because I am unemployed and will not be able to spend $200/month repaying my loan.

My plan is to stay at my friend's house for the rest of year, save up a ton of moolah and move into my own place in January of 09. And by my own place, I mean my own place. I want to have an apartment of my own - or if not on my own then with either (not both) of a couple of friends of mine from college.

Once I'm in my own place I hope to be able to be paying my loans again (although I hope I can do that sooner), be making payments on my own car, applying to Goddard so that I can start there in the Fall of 09, and be making things everyday. I also hope to have an awesome job (Lark Books or ChiLiving would do me just fine) and to be having fun everyday with my friends, family, and, eventually with the ex.

Monday, August 25, 2008

reflecting lights, drizzling against the pane

On my plate today:

-Researching the company ChiLiving, who I have an interview with tomorrow. The founders, who I will be meeting at least one of, are the writers of ChiRunning and ChiWalking. Simply put, they have incorporated the basic teachings of T'ai Chi into walking and running so that walkers and runners can do their things in safer and more meditative ways.
*I had a good tip from a friend about preparing for interviews. She said to read everything you possibly can about them and remember what you read. When you get to the interview, act and talk as if you are already working for the company. They should be happy that to have found a person who already knows about the company and the job.

-Finishing up my proofreading test for Lark Books. Lark Books is a super awesome publishing company that publishes crafts and art books only. I plan on hand delivering the test to them today. This company seems so much fun and so cool. They have already sent me the work for the interview, if I make it to that step (which I think I will because I know my proofreading almost as well as the back of my hand). The work for the interview consists of two "mock" assignments. One, where you have to find 3 artists that make hand make shoes and do a presentation of your findings. And the second is where you have to write up a sidebar for this "proposed" book on handmade shoes. Doesn't it sound like fun? Every day would consist of finding new people who hand make things! Fun!

(One of Lark Books' many...books!)

I'm split between these two jobs and for many reasons. The first is a full time job where I'd make $25,000/year (which is about $17/hour - sooo much for my age bracket) and would get insurance and benefits after three months. And I'd also think it'd be fun and interesting to learn about this holistic way of living in awareness of your Chi. But the second job is actually an internship where'd I'd be working only half time and probably not have that great of pay, maybe $10/hour if I'm lucky. I would also get no benefits and it is supposed to last only through this "semester." But every day would be so much fun there! I'd be learning about all these people who make hand made objects and that are living the d-i-y life. Plus, my upstairs neighbor works there, and if she is any indication of the kind of people that work there then I know I'd love it!

So that's my dilemma. Either one would be great, so that's why I'm putting all my efforts in to learning as much as I can about both companies and doing my darnednest to think like I work at both of them already. But which do you think would be fun to work at, or rather, which would you rather work at? I'd like to get a survey from people on this because, people, I'm horrible at making decisions. ;)

Sunday, August 17, 2008


I'm so happy to know that I have such great amounts of support right now. From the long emails with lulu, to the sweet messages from a person I've never met, to hanging out at all hours at a time with old friends to receiving a random, heart-felt message from a college acquaintance, I am happily overwhelmed by the support I've been receiving through this new and stressing time.

I've been pretty motivated in my searches of apt. and jobs. I've already looked at one house today and I am supposed to look at another one later today. I've responded to 9 ads so far of people looking for ho
usemates. And I've applied to 8 jobs and counting.

I've also been listening to a lot of M.I.A., Santogold, Micky Green, CSS, Regina Spektor and Feist. This blend is funky, female, and soothing all at once. They are really the only music I can listen to right now without analysing every word and intimately relating it to my situation.

This week should be pretty busy. Wednesday, the 20th, is one of my best friend's birthday. She's turning 23. So I'm going with her and our third counterpart to Pigeon Forge tomorrow. We'll be staying there until Tuesday evening/night. I'm also going to Carowinds on Saturday. And really the only reason I'm going is because I was retarded and forgot the tickets the last time I went earlier this summer. And then I might, not sure yet, be going to Sliding Rock on Sunday. I've just heard that my french friends will be coming on Saturday and I'm really sad. I was hoping to see them, but I won't be at home on that day. Hopefully, I might be able to convince them to come on another day, like Wednesday or Sunday (I can go to Sliding Rock on another day).

(The lovely Heather.)

Some other plans of mine that I'm working to:
1. Car! I have to wait until I get a job, but I've been scouring craigslist looking for a good one $5,000 or under. I will have to get a loan to pay for it, but that's just how the dice roll right now.
2. College, v.2! Getting my mind and ideas together so I can apply for my master's in Vermont. I need a lot of help with this because, as usual my ideas are broad and I need to narrow my ideas down.
3. Photography ideas. I want to do Suicide Girls. I've wanted to it for a really long time, but now just might be the time. To do this, I've been planning poses, locations, backgrounds and clothing. I also took some pictures of a friend, not nude or erotic, mind you. But cute "pin-up" pictures and I think they turned out well. This has inspired me.
4. Clothes creations. I've been slowing getting some sewing supplies. Meanwhile, I've been drawing designs, thinking of colors, ways to reconstruct things and be sustainable at the same time.
5. Making delicious creations. I love cooking. I really loved to do it before the Frenchman broke up with me. That love has dwindled a bit since then. This is unfortunate. I am trying to get that fire raging again and those smells wafting throughout my kitchen.

I hope to keep this blog updated more regularly now. I've also been writing on another blog and love doing it. Writing is therapeutic. I'm finding a variety of things are therapeutic. I am so happy when I can find a new form of therapy. I suppose life has its own form of therapy. :)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

a whole new start

So here's another update on my life:

Not only am I currently searching for a new apt., possible new housemates, a car and acceptance into a master's program in Vermont, but now I get to add another item to the list. I was very recently "let go" from my place of employment. While this may seem bad and it may seem like just another thing to worry and stress about, I am actually very ok about this new development. I feel a little bit free. Free from the stress of the job. Freedom to chose another place, a better place, maybe a place that I will love to go to; that I will love to do. Some place that I will get excited about every day. So here's what I'm doing right now, at this very moment:

(Courtesy of flickr.)

1. Job hunting: craigslist,, yahoojobs, monsterjobs, grist job list, etc.
2. Apt. hunting: craigslist, alpha real estate, arc agency, friend's recommendations, etc.
3. Car hunting: craigslist, iwanna, local used car dealerships, etc.
4. Loan researching: my credit union, other resources...
5. Goddard College researching: creating my proposal, figuring out expenses, etc.
6. Fafsa/financial aid hunting: i hate this stuff, filling out form after form...
7. Resisting the urge to go crazy while living with the ex. Yes, we're still living together. It may be a stupid thing, but it's just how things are right now. He's ok when he's not acting like an idiot.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

a blow

i have been having a hard week this week. and an especially difficult last few days. i will be trying to do some posts on here. but in light of the most recent events, i don't know how regularly i will be able to do this. i am no longer involved with that certain frenchman. he has decided to take a different route recently, and, well, i am very sad about this. we are still talking and i am still talking to his family. this frenchman has intertwined me in his life and in his family lives so deeply that i know that i will always be a part of his and their lives. this is one small comfort in the sea of depression i have been in lately. anyways, this is just a notice that if i'm lacking on posts, then this is surely the reason why.

(One last look at our lovely home, which I will miss.)

Friday, July 18, 2008


I just want to go back and address why I neglected my blog for over a month. One of the main reasons I hadn't been posting was because for about 10 days I was on vacation in Florida. And although I had been promised internet access on a semi-regular basis, what I was given was nothing near access. Of the 10 days I was away, I think I was able to actually sit down and do work on the internet twice. Yes, twice. I know, unbelievable. I don't know how I survived. ;)

(Me & Steph waiting around for the Tampa Rays vs. Boston Red Sox game.)

Anyways, this is just one of the reasons why I have been greatly lacking on posts. And as I write this, I also realize that this summer is/has been very Florida-liscious. A couple of weeks ago I was there in no-internet heaven/hell and I will soon be there next weekend for another week of Florida hottness (but this time with almost 100percent internet assuredness). I don't know what it is about this summer, but, dam, Florida, you have my heart strings a' tuggin!

(Rockin' Rollercoaster at Hollywood Studios. It was rockin.)

Oh, yes, another reason there has been no new postings recently is that I've become incredibly behind on work. You know, real work. So I've been trying to catch up with that as well as catch up on blog postings that are taking entirely way too much of my time to research and write. But, you know, I'm not complaining or anything.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Wow, I really can't believe I've neglected my blog for so long. For over a month! What a shame...but let's forget my past mistakes and think about the present. I've been listening to this RIDICULOUS singer. Her name is Santogold. And she's freaking crazy. She reminds me a bit of M.I.A. with her songs being a mix of singing and rapping with the music being a mix of every noise and sound available all bundled up. I had first heard of her in BUST, I believe. But I didn't pay any attention to her until I heard her on Pandora, under my M.I.A. station. She's fricking awesome if you like the alternative rapping/club musack.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

pictures, father's day

So, here's some the pictures from last night's show & benefit for URTV. There were actually three bands playing. We came in as the first band was playing, and this is why I am not sure of the name of the first band. The next band was "Black Hook," and the last one, the one more of us came for was "Rat Jackson."

(Our host for the dirty-mouthed kid.)

(Yes, yes, yes...THE Rat Jackson.)

(Me & my buds hanging out. Me, as usual the drunkest one around.)

(The oh-so-elusive D. She actually enjoyed the show, despite her expression here.)

I also would like to wish all fathers and practically fathers out there a Happy Father's Day. I never knew my father, but my mother met a pretty nice guy when I was 10, and he's been around us ever since. He's a pretty good guy. And despite having no genetic resemblence or connection to him, I think I've acquired some his best and worst traits (like being a music snob, my sarcasm and my passion for politics and the world). :)

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Soooo, I finally made my first through and through home-made pizza! And I even remembered to take pictures of it before I completely devoured it. ;)


I even made the crust! I was sooo proud of myself. After seeing this post, I was inspired to make my own. So, the next time went I to the grocery store, I got all the necessary supplies & came home to get started beating some dough up.

(My wee lil' piece of love.)

We also had a fabulous night of games last weekend (I had forgotten to write about this memorable experience). We had the "Pentagonal Tournament of Games." We played mancala, pente, boggle, 301 (darts game), & DDR (dance, dance revolution on xbox 360).

(Clockwise: DDR mat, boggle, mancala & pente. Missing: 301 .)

It was really fun, despite me losing miserably as usual. (Except for me kicking major butt at boggle.) :)

(Getting torn up in mancala by the bf [i.e. the supreme ruler of strategy games].)

Oh, & one last little thing: I'm super-proud of my little garden right now! I've joined forces w/my upstairs neighbor and we've been keeping up with our little garden of tomatoes, spearmint, lemon balm, oregano, basil, & moss roses. So, soooo happy! (Despite having to deal with spider mites and nitrogen-deficient tomato plants.) I've actually got a green thumb!



(Zee jardin [garden]!)

A Perfect Weekend

This has so far been a nearly perfect weekend (gotta leave room the perfect weekend). Yesterday afternoon I went to Greenlife & got some great cheese and baguettes for the play I was soon to be attending with my parents later in the evening. After a nice 30-40 min. roundtrip walk to the store, I got everything prepared and loaded up my tote bags with the yummy goodies.

(The Hazel-Robinson Theatre, where the Montford Park Players perform every year.)

Once ready, I started my much shorter walk to the outside theatre. The play was "Antony and Cleopatra" and was done by the Montford Park Players. This theatre troupe does at least four plays a summer in the outside theatre. This is a super fun and super relaxed thing to do in Asheville in the summer. I met my parents there & had a good time munching on French Bread, Camembert, Morbier & D'Affinois.

(Some characters + the stage.)

(Antony & Octavia [Ceasar's sister].)

And then today: Today I went with my bf to Nine Mile, a sweet little resto that is located right across from our house.(The inside of the Marley-esque restaurant.)

And now, I'm getting ready to go to the Westville Pub. It's a short 10-min. drive away. We're going to have another informal, somewhat-awkward high school gathering there. Some high school acquaintances of ours are having a show there, while silmitanously having a benefit for the local t.v. station, URTV. I'm so happy with this weekend! :)

Monday, June 9, 2008

lu n' am blog!

yes, i'm going for pure vanity and publicity on my part, but i just wanted to let everyone know about my newest joint blog! my oh-so-lovely future sister-in-law & i have created the lu-n-am blog, which is about "affordable. sustainable. creative. living." although we're still tweaking it occasionally...trying to figure how to make it the most super awesome joint blog out there...we definitely want people to check it out and let us know what you think about it! :)

Saturday, June 7, 2008

some finds, a lil list

-a neat online publishing co. where you can create and share your own publications with others who have done the same.
-a celestial solar looks very religious, like something you'd see in an over-produced biblical movie. but this thing is actually a solar thermal power plant. and green, it seems.

une petite list (of things that i've been vainly desiring):

1. sewing machine. for now all i want is a simple one that will break me into sewing more regularly. i've got lots of plans in my head...yaaay. ;)
2. record player. god, do i ever want one. i just want to chill out to some groovy tunes while i sew, cook and picture-take.
3. good, freakin' camera w/all the fancy-schmancy gadgets. i'll figure them out eventually. but i just love pictures with real texture and that i can really do something with (my lil camera died about six months ago & i've been using my bf's awesome camera ever since then.
4. coffee maker. i've become an addict. it's official. and i've been trying to save money buy drinking it at home, but without a coffee maker, i've just been drinking crizzapie, very much below par coffee.
5. printer & scanner (possible combo contraption?). it's not absolutely necessary right now, but it would make things easier when i want to scan pictures i've taken on the manual camera.
6. pizza stone. i'd love to make super pizza like these, in 5 min.

et, voila. c'est bon.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

green finds

browsing through lostateminor today, and i started looking at their 'eco' section. & some interesting finds, indeed. first, is Patrick Blanc's Vertical Garden. these crazy gardens grow without growing in soil or in any earthy substance. Blanc is French, of course, and has made these gardens all over the world and does them on the outside of buildings, as well as inside buildings.the second piece of craziness that i saw was a biodegradable bamboo phone. seriously, bamboo! pretty much the frame and case of the phone is bamboo, while the battery, keypad and antenna comes out of the this case. the bamboo is also biodegradable. meaning, when the time comes to get a new one, you take out the three pieces and throw the case and frame in the compost. in the case, are bamboo seeds, so after the case degrades in about 2-3 weeks, new bamboo seeds starts to grow. and bamboo grows really quickly. talk about giving back to the earth! oh, and the battery is kineticly-powered. you wind the battery charger and, voila, charged without using electricity! wooza, wooza, wooza. seriously - wooza! think of the possibilities!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

volunteer-crazy, probably

i've really been wanting to volunteer in my community, and now i have the chance (like i never have before? yeah, right). there is this thing called the Asheville Building Convergence, and it's getting me really excited.

(Starhawk, one of the speakers @ the ABC)

"ABC is inspired by a 20-year vision of what a truly sustainable Asheville looks like and the steps we can take now to create it. More than 25 local groups, community leaders, businesses, and hundreds of citizens are coming together for the first annual celebration and citywide collaboration of what's beautiful, practical, and life affirming about sustainability." - from the website

Anyways, they really need volunteers for this "convergence" and one of my friends is somewhat involved in it, so she let me know about all the opportunities. A few hours earlier I scanned through the list and then figured out what I could technically do & want to do. I then sent out emails to the contacts for the volunteer activities. I think probably overloaded myself, but whatevs, this thing is getting me w[he]ay excited.

I also have been seriously considering working in my community garden. It's basically right across from my place, and it used to be in shambles. But one I day passed by it and realized - voila! - it looked sooo much better! and there was a number to call about working it. there is also another garden close to my house that has volunteer shifts on wed., so I might see about that one, too.

And this is why, I think I may be over-doing all the possible volunteerism. I'd rather be doing this than working...
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