Sunday, September 14, 2008

chalk violet

What color are you? Me, I'm Chalk Violet. I love astrology. Really, it's a hobby/interest of mine. One little diddy I found is colorstrology. Here's more about me through this little find...

birthday: feb. 26

color: chalk violet
attributes: kind;

(This, folks, is Chalk Violet!)

about feb. 26:
"once you commit yourself to something, it is important that you do it well. this is in regards to both relationships and work. you can be hard on yourself and others especially if the people around you are careless or lazy. you want to feel passionate about something and to support this passion with action. your personal color lends sensitivity to your strength. wearing, meditating, or surrounding yourself with chalk violet helps you transform any hurts or wounds that you may experience into a depth of understanding and a desire to live life truthfully and lovingly."

What color are you?
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