1. Sipping on hot tea. My favorite is Chai, with a little soy milk. But any tea will do it for me, be it green, black or white.
2. Sweaters, pea coats, gloves and handmade scarves. I just love cuddling closer to these soft fabrics as cool breezes refresh my skin.
3. The changing colors of the leaves. I live nestled in some of best mountains in the country - the Great Smoky Mountains, which is part of the Appalachian Mountains. While the leaves manage to attract visitors from all over the nation this area, for me, this time serves for plenty of leaf gazing and colorful inspirations as I wind my way through the precipitous roads of the area.
4. Pies/Cinnamon. This is the perfect time to make pies. And no matter what kind of pie I make, it has to be topped with cinnamon. I think cinnamon was created during the Fall, when you just need a hint of sweet spice to warm you all over.

5. Cold cheeks with a rosy blush. As the wind whips its way around you and you tighten your coat around you, you can't get away from getting rosy cheeks. I love this combination of cold and warm all at once. It is refreshing and perks me right up.
Bisous & happy Autumn!
I'm with you, Amber. I LOVE LOVE LOVE autumn! Jumping in the leaves, turtlenecks, Lady Grey tea with milk and a dash of sugar, Halloween, the smell of a brisk morning... hmmmm! Can't wait to enjoy it! Cheers, Kimberly
Fall is my favorite time of the year. Not just because it is also my birthday time ;) . Let's get to makin' those pumpkin pies .. mmmm...
kimberly- i'm with you! i'm so glad it's here! i actually am wearing my first turtleneck [dress] of season! yay! tis the season to jump in leaves. :)
kitty- that bourbon pumpkin cheesecake is patiently awaiting its creation! let's push those frenzies aside & start making now!
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