Monday, October 20, 2008

i gots me some

Sooo, I got an apprenticeship with a sweet, sweet letterpress company located in West Asheville. The joint is called the Blue Barnhouse. They make and print beautiful handmade cards, invitations, posters, coasters and other paper products. They do this by using hand cranked letterpresses.

It is unpaid. But it is way awesome, so it makes up for the lack of moolah. It also means I'm getting free education. So makes it even sweeter.

(A sampling of their raunchy cards.)

Check out the cute little place, I can guarantee you that you'll find many things that you'll like and will want to purchase. Immediately.


lucie said...

I love their raunchy cards! I'm glad you got that internship, I hope you're doing well Amber. I am super behind on schoolwork and have an exam in a few minutes which I have not studied enough for.

what am I doing though? Reading blogs instead of studying.

Ambie said...

oh, the lure of the internetz, how it sucks us in so...

watch out now! you'll definitely be getting one of their raunchy cards for christmas! ;)

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