i've really been wanting to volunteer in my community, and now i have the chance (like i never have before? yeah, right). there is this thing called the Asheville Building Convergence, and it's getting me really excited.

"ABC is inspired by a 20-year vision of what a truly sustainable Asheville looks like and the steps we can take now to create it. More than 25 local groups, community leaders, businesses, and hundreds of citizens are coming together for the first annual celebration and citywide collaboration of what's beautiful, practical, and life affirming about sustainability." - from the website
Anyways, they really need volunteers for this "convergence" and one of my friends is somewhat involved in it, so she let me know about all the opportunities. A few hours earlier I scanned through the list and then figured out what I could technically do & want to do. I then sent out emails to the contacts for the volunteer activities. I think probably overloaded myself, but whatevs, this thing is getting me w[he]ay excited.
I also have been seriously considering working in my community garden. It's basically right across from my place, and it used to be in shambles. But one I day passed by it and realized - voila! - it looked sooo much better! and there was a number to call about working it. there is also another garden close to my house that has volunteer shifts on wed., so I might see about that one, too.

And this is why, I think I may be over-doing all the possible volunteerism. I'd rather be doing this than working...
1 comment:
I wanna see the community garden, last time i saw it..it wasn't looking so hot. Good luck with all the volunteering.
ps. I'm very sad that you couldn't be here with Bastien.
pss. I asked my mom if we could eat mussels the wed before my birthday in asheville ;)
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