Monday, November 10, 2008

actively active

As I listen to Harry Potter Bk. 5 on tape and multitask as best I can, I am multitasking in my head, as well. A list, for you (b/c I know you are aching in your joints from the last one):

To do--->
-Job searching! I work at a bookstore, part-time. I also intern at an awesome print shop, but it's unpaid. So I need to find some other source of income whether it's another generic mall job or some freelance offers that I'd like to have but don't. ;)

-Getting my freelance butt out there! I've always said I was a freelance writer but I have never actually written freelance. I am going to advertise myself out there...craigslist, mountain xpress, digital forums and other writer's forums.
-Wallpaper stripping. I have committed to redo my bud's bathroom in exchange for a month's rent. I have taken absolutely bloody forever taking down the wallpaper and still have to paint it. You would not believe how long it takes to take off wallpaper!!! (Yes, this warrants three exclamation points!)

-Making lists, of course! Christmas, er, excuse me, I want to start calling it Winter Solstice now...Yes, Winter Solstice lists for others and for myself. Budget lists so I can possibly start saving some real money. Lists so I can see the progress I'm making on my big goal: learning diy things, arts and crafts so I can build up a portfolio and open my own company/store. I'm on my way!

(I vawnt me an Etsy shop!)

-Lots and nothing much at the same time.
-To be cozily back in my apt.
-To make things in my own kitchen. To be trying recipes and have that space of my own to do so.
-Learning more crafts.
-Reading and applying herbal remedies and reflexology techniques. (I've been reading about them lately - I've recently increased my interest in alternative medicines and Eastern philosophies.)
-To sift through my belongings and clear out the unnecessary.

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