Not only am I currently searching for a new apt., possible new housemates, a car and acceptance into a master's program in Vermont, but now I get to add another item to the list. I was very recently "let go" from my place of employment. While this may seem bad and it may seem like just another thing to worry and stress about, I am actually very ok about this new development. I feel a little bit free. Free from the stress of the job. Freedom to chose another place, a better place, maybe a place that I will love to go to; that I will love to do. Some place that I will get excited about every day. So here's what I'm doing right now, at this very moment:

1. Job hunting: craigslist,, yahoojobs, monsterjobs, grist job list, etc.
2. Apt. hunting: craigslist, alpha real estate, arc agency, friend's recommendations, etc.
3. Car hunting: craigslist, iwanna, local used car dealerships, etc.
4. Loan researching: my credit union, other resources...
5. Goddard College researching: creating my proposal, figuring out expenses, etc.
6. Fafsa/financial aid hunting: i hate this stuff, filling out form after form...
7. Resisting the urge to go crazy while living with the ex. Yes, we're still living together. It may be a stupid thing, but it's just how things are right now. He's ok when he's not acting like an idiot.
Am: You have got such a positive attitude - it's truly inspirational! I know good things are going to happen to you.
Whilst it might seem like a devastating blow now, often karma takes us where we need to be even when we don't know we are supposed to go there. (I was married before Marcus and my ex cheated on me - was crushed but picked myself up, dusted myself off, went to England for graduate school and the rest is history...)
It is so cliche' but hang in there, sister friend and stay strong! loads of love being sent your way..
Cheers, Kimberly
Bastien better not be an idiot. he knows better.
hang in there, i think we may need to take a trip to asheville soon, surprise visit ;)
i may have to kidnap Kimberly on the way.
thank you for your support! i'd like to have a surprise/not-so-surprise visit from ya'll! :)
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