Wednesday, March 5, 2008

ole' rockytop

i shall be venturing
to the good ole'
state of tn this evening.

and i'm rather
quite excited about it.

it means a glorious 5 days
of relaxation,
good eating,
& french accents.

and what could make a girl happier
than that?
i'm feeling like
absolute blubber.
i've been eating like
an unreasonable pig.
[are there reasonable pigs?]
& then i took a bath last night
[the 1st time in a wk or so, ewww]
and looked down at myself.
it was gross.
just a raft of
floating fat.
back to digging shit:
like this
& that.

i've just moved
into a new office,
and it's a little cold
in here.
but i like the new open space
with bright colors and
many windows.
a ginormous improvement
over our last one
with one window
and varying shades of
gray walls.
the rest of this week
is bound to be fun.
it's planned with bike
rides in the park,
a good white trash party,
a play or a rodeo,
lots of lounging and eating fresh french food,
and sunshine;
there shall be sunshine.

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