Friday, October 9, 2009

Week Recap: Sick Beau & Movies

Monday: A day off to do lots of work. Got a whole bunch of papers together to get bills ready for next month. Have to start repaying my loans back. Got that ready & sent out. Filled out remainder of EBT forms. Just one more thing to find to send that out. Called gas company. They are going to start it on next Monday. Worked on The Littlest Birds blog and newsletter most of the day. Beaucoup computer fun.
Tuesday: Worked at The Littlest Birds til 4. Built a mini grocery stand for them. Broke a whole bunch of boxes and got recycling ready to be taken out. Moved some furniture w/the girls to rearrange the store. Went over blog ideas. Voted in local elections. Did laundry & went to W. Asheville market to buy some local produce and meat. Had raclette with the beau. Watched There's Something about Mary. I'd forgotten how funny it is.
Wednesday: My candidates won! :) Worked at the B&B until 3ish. The beau is sick, stayed at home all day. I cuddle up with him and take care of his sick self. We make Minestrone (his mom's version). So delish w/the local pork, carrots and tomatoes! Watched W. Not a bad film for such a bad subject matter. ;)


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