Monday, February 18, 2008

[vrai] mas determination

it is here.
i must take
a hold of

just trying to
find the right
one of those
special persons
in my life.

i've been a little
bit more
inspired in the past
few days.
so i'm taking this
inspiration and
energy and actually
using it. :)

i've decided that
i am going back to college.
no doubts about it.
i will go to the
local state u
and pursue a
bachelor's of fine arts.
the only suck-y
part about it
is that
it's going to take me
bloody forever,
since i'll continue
working full-time
at my relatively
sweet job
and therefore
feel like it will be
a stressful endeavor.
i <3, hardcore,
le tigre's version of
"i'm so excited."

and, now,
it is
it will be

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