i'm patiently waiting for my "not a paper cup." it's apparently very high in demand lately. once i saw it, i knew i had to get it, even though i didn't immediately. i had alway brought in a cup for coffee to take to the coffee shop that is downstairs from my office. but then for a month or two i got lazy. or maybe i just got tired of having to do the "don't spill the coffee" dance up the stairs, so i started using those horrible paper/plastic/whatthehellareyoumadeof? coffee cups that the shop offers. i felt horrible. awful. i just kept on thinking about all the non-bio-degradable cups i was piling up in the landfill. this image stayed in my head until i decided that i would buy a "not a paper cup." but it's still going take anywhere from 2-4wks. to get to me, if i'm lucky. so that same day i decided i'd start bringing in my coffee cup again and use one of those slightly-less-bio-dregrable coffee lids to keep from having to do the dance. i still feel a little bad for using the lid, but at least i've been reusing it and not getting a new one every time. [p.s. & i love the antique-y mug cup i've been bringing in, so that 's a plus. i'll take a pic of it later and show it off.]

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