Thursday, May 8, 2008

three boys in a booth

so, a lot
has been happening.
i saw hanson on mon.
may 5.
and even though i wasn't a huge fan

of them before.
i am now.
i actually went on
a walk with them

barefoot around asheville.
it was for a good
cause of course.
but it just made
me think they were super
cool. and they put

on a pretty good
show, too.

[despite me knowing
about 20 words total
of all of their songs.]

on may 6 i voted
in the primaries in n.c.
that was odd
b/c despite me

living in a different
place now i still hadn't
changed my voter
info so i had to vote
in my old precinct,

which was way
out in hicks-ville.

it was really funny.
i hadn't done too much
research on my local
and state elections

so i ended up voting
for three people.
two of three i voted

for won. including
my presidential

although i'm officially
unaffiliated i voted
in the democratic

elections. that's
the crazy thing about
the democratic side...
no matter what
your affiliation is
you can vote in

the democratic elections.
you could even be
a republican and
vote in the democratic

elections, which
doesn't make much sense
but apparently
lots of people

idiotically did.

after voting we went
to amazing savings,
which is simply amazing.

i got spearmint, lemon
and tomato plants
there. they're currently

resting on my window-
sill. :)

i also took a shower yesterday,
the 7th.
that was exciting.
i've gotten into this
horrible habit of only
washing once or twice

a wk. it's the disgusting
hippie and the lazy
slob coming out in me...

p.s. sadly, none of these pics
are actually originating from me.

these, i will load soon. i'm just lazy
right now. ;)


Lu. Lu. said...

Lisbeth (my roomie) would be so jealous that you walked barefooted on the same ground as Hanson. They are her guilty pleasure. no, not pleasure. obsession.

Ambie said...

haha! it was pretty fun...i didn't think i'd get very excited...but it was so super cool and they were so chill and were so passionate about their cause that i've now become a fan of them, for sure.


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