Wednesday, November 26, 2008

a day in the life of Asheville, NC

I was tagged (a long, long, long time ago) by the languorous lulu to describe a day in _(fill in the blank) through mostly pics and a little words. So here we go: A day in the life of Asheville, NC (my hometown).

Bicycles, Coffee & Laptops

A small city of just over 70,000, a morning in Asheville is filled with bicyclists, coffee shops & laptops. You can find numerous coffee shops with both hippies and techies populating the small and smokey joints throughout Asheville, where all the coffee houses tout the best organic, fair-trade and shade grown coffee and tea.

Activism & Progressives

Asheville is a melting pot of different people and various ideas and cultures. Although the city is not very ethnically diverse, the range of ideas and events found in Asheville come from all parts of the world and times. You will often see a parade of protesters go through the town chanting or see them sitting silently by the city's war monument in protest or support of some challenged cause.

Books, Arts & Crafts

The city of Asheville is also known for all types of artists flocking to the city and the surrounding areas. We have many shops that sell sweet arts and crafts goods, as well as ones that hold classes on subjects ranging from weaving to jewelry making. We also have an awesome River Arts District, which homes a variety of artists, galleries and studios.

Indie & Folk Bands & Beer

I like to end my days in Asheville by sipping on my current favorite microbrew, the Wedge Gollem, while playing pool, shooting darts, or while listening to a local band in one of the many pubs or music venues around the town. If I'm not in the mood to go out, then renting a movie and getting cozy at home is the next best option.

One Other Tidbit:

*Asheville LOVES their dogs (and cats, too). They can be found in many places around the our workplaces, video stores, craft stores, and bakeries. For cats, just look around our bookstores.

Voila! Un jour dans Asheville, NC!
Until next time.

Friday, November 21, 2008

love it!

I just found this sweet, sweet blog. I think it's one of those sites that just sits perfectly with me. Plus, I'd like to think, I can relate to the writer. The blog is called Loving/Living/Small.

It's about this chica who has great style and taste and who lives in a small apartment. She writes about living small but with a good eye for organization, details and design. Although she is about to move into a slightly bigger place, she is still going to live in a smaller area and so will still be able dish about living lovely in a small amount of space. It's definitely worth checking out. She's got a fabulous life and a fabulous eye.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

new fav. band!

Here's the latest I've been listening to. They are called Deerhoof:

I discovered them at the printing shop I'm interning at. They've done some posters for them and we were listening to them the other day when we were working.

Also, a really cool side note: a coworker of mine at the print shop is in this awesome local band, named Menage. You may recognize their tune "Tomatoes" - it's actually used in a Hunt's tomato commercial:

Funny, I actually saw the band play a couple of years ago. Who knew I'd be working with one of them years later? :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

16 random things

So, I have been tagged by the lovely Kimberly to write about 16 random things. Here are the rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a note with 16 random things, shortcomings, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose 16 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them.

1. Growing up, I have wanted to be a painter, a vet, a paleontologist, a fashion designer, a linguist, a history professor, an environmental educator and a specialty boutique owner. I have finally decided to combine my many loves and to pursue becoming a DIY/craft/green living designer, educator and shop

2. When applying to colleges in high school, I choose to not apply to my then dream school Savannah College of Art & Design (SCAD) because I was afraid that I was neither talented nor rich enough to go there (in 2001, their tuition already reached over 30 grand/yr.). The irony of it all, is that I went to a college that cost me just a mere 10 grand less than SCAD and was my last choice of schools. I do not regret going to Warren Wilson College, but I do wish I had applied to SCAD. Since then, I try to never let my fears or doubts rule my decisions.

3. I love ruffles, lace; delicate, feminine objects; softness; a sense of whimsy; dark, rich fall colors; bright, light, airy colors; light clothing and layers in the cold months; flow, twirl, ease; a strange balance between graceful ease & clumsiness; eeriness, sunshine; dirt, trees, enchanted forests; the slow crash of waves with a sea breeze.

4. I am partial to female singers and bands ---> Regina Spektor, Feist, Kate Nash, Lily Allen, Blondie, Le Tigre, CSS, M.I.A., Santagold.

5. Yet, I am prefer male teachers/professors. It is unfortunate to say this, but from what I've experienced, female teachers are more lax about deadlines, about structure or they are too mothering, too soft, to timid. I hate to talk about stereotypes, but for the vast majority of my female teachers, they have been this way. I can be a stickler for sticking to deadlines and structure, so that is why I prefer this kind of teacher. I can name only two female teachers who broke this trend and who I loved, while I can name more male teachers.

6. I also tend to love guitar gods (I adore a good rift), British rock bands, French folk, pop & rap music, and indie musicians ---> Jimi Hendrix, Tom Morello, The Doors, Rolling Stone, Beatles,

7. While I do LOVE deadlines, due dates, scheduling, organization and structure, I do need & take many healthy doses of spontaneity, creativity, coloring outside the lines, and breaking of the rules. I do despise authority, strangely.

8. I am very good with writing a lot of information (especially when it's about the things I love), but (thankfully) I am quite good at editing and being brief (but only when it is absolutely required). I used to be the queen of redundancy and repetition; now I know how to cut out all the unnecessary stuff and stick to the bare minimum. Bye-bye adverbs and synonyms.

9. If you haven't noticed already, I also love parentheses and semi-colons. But I stay away from exclamations points at all costs in my more serious writing (i.e. almost everything but messaging).

10. While I don't think I'm stuck up or elitist, I do admit I can be a bit of a snob about some, er, many, grammar, wine, beer, cheese, bread, coffee, books, and movies.

11. I want to be as self-sufficient, sustainable & DIY, yet in a communal living sort of way, as possible. I am on a mission to find out how to do everything myself. And then tell everyone else how to do it. I hope for people can be less reliant on corporations and more reliant on themselves and their community(s).

12. I ADORE Eastern culture: religions, philosophies, techniques, remedies, healing, medicines, living...the list goes on. I've been interested in Buddhism for quite a while now, but over the years I've become more and more interested in other items of Eastern origins ---> Hinduism, acupuncture, Qi, yoga & meditation.

13. I can't deny it, no matter what, I will always love France and French culture. I have met, seriously, the best French family in the world. And not only am I in love with all of them, but I am also in love with everything about who they are, how they live, and where they live. If I could pick only one word to describe them, it would have to be, without a doubt, welcoming.

14. I love old movies. Black and white? Oh dear, yes, please. I love old actresses. My favorite actress of all time is Audrey Hepburn. She is pure class, sophistication, femininity and talent.

15. Ever since I took Latin in high school, I love trying to derive words. Since Latin is a base for the romantic languages, many of the those languages are derived from the Latin tongue. One of the things you learn in Latin class is how to figure out other words from the words' base forms (derivation). And since I have taken Spanish and French and since I'm a native English speaker, whenever I see a new word (in whichever language it is), I immediately try to figure out what it means from my Latin learning.

16. I am a domesticity-loving, multitasker. I love making grocery lists and shopping lists. I love scheduling out my day's, week's, month's, and year's activities. I love finding new recipes and trying them out (and altering them!). I love making a place look nice and orderly and actually be nice and orderly. I love having friends and family over for dinner parties. I love crafting things for my home and for others. I love doing things for myself and for others. Ectera, ectera.

Ok, so now I'm supposed to tag 16 people, but f-that, I'll tag 6. Close enough for me! :)

1. Lulu. I lurve you and I always want to know more about you!

2. Reduce Footprints. I don't really know you, but I dig your values so lemme in on some of you!

3. Candace. I've just met you once, but you were really sweet. :)

4. Jennifer. I've met you more than once but I don't really know you, except that you are super nice and friendly.

5. Anne Marie. You just started your blog, so here's a good exercise for you to try out. Plus, I'd like to know more about you!

6. Mary-Laure. I love you blog. I love your history and your parents' history. So, I'd like to know some more about you!


Monday, November 10, 2008

actively active

As I listen to Harry Potter Bk. 5 on tape and multitask as best I can, I am multitasking in my head, as well. A list, for you (b/c I know you are aching in your joints from the last one):

To do--->
-Job searching! I work at a bookstore, part-time. I also intern at an awesome print shop, but it's unpaid. So I need to find some other source of income whether it's another generic mall job or some freelance offers that I'd like to have but don't. ;)

-Getting my freelance butt out there! I've always said I was a freelance writer but I have never actually written freelance. I am going to advertise myself out there...craigslist, mountain xpress, digital forums and other writer's forums.
-Wallpaper stripping. I have committed to redo my bud's bathroom in exchange for a month's rent. I have taken absolutely bloody forever taking down the wallpaper and still have to paint it. You would not believe how long it takes to take off wallpaper!!! (Yes, this warrants three exclamation points!)

-Making lists, of course! Christmas, er, excuse me, I want to start calling it Winter Solstice now...Yes, Winter Solstice lists for others and for myself. Budget lists so I can possibly start saving some real money. Lists so I can see the progress I'm making on my big goal: learning diy things, arts and crafts so I can build up a portfolio and open my own company/store. I'm on my way!

(I vawnt me an Etsy shop!)

-Lots and nothing much at the same time.
-To be cozily back in my apt.
-To make things in my own kitchen. To be trying recipes and have that space of my own to do so.
-Learning more crafts.
-Reading and applying herbal remedies and reflexology techniques. (I've been reading about them lately - I've recently increased my interest in alternative medicines and Eastern philosophies.)
-To sift through my belongings and clear out the unnecessary.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


A little glow around the roller girl has been emanating recently. Positive things are going on and I'm pretty darn happy and optimistic about these things.

(Photo courtesy of flickr.)

I don't want to go too far into details but one thing I will reveal that I'm super happy about is that frikking Barack Obama is going to be our next president! I am so happy that the majority of the nation has come to its senses and voted not only for a good Democrat and not only for our first black president but for someone who is ready to end this war in Iraq, to end our fossil fuel dependence, to create and invest in more alternative energies, and someone who is full on board for more green jobs and sustainable living.

I have to say I'm "cautiously optimistic." :)

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