Sunday, January 18, 2009

getting on the wagon

So I've been busy trying to get my butt in gear to get another job. I've put posts on Craigslist, the Mountain Xpress, and Digital Point offering my writing services. I've applied to many jobs. And I've been tweaking my resume and cover letters.

Right now, I'm at the "in-laws" relaxing and it feels so good, but it doesn't mean that I should be lax about searching for something better in the job arena.

I met up with a friend on Friday and she's always great for inspiration and for giving me ideas for pursuing my goals and interests. A couple of suggestions were: to create a business card and hand it out at networking gatherings, to attend Green Drinks and to look at magazines and papers' ads & call up companies I'm interested in to see if they could possibly be hiring.

(Sounds yummy, fun and useful, no?)

So that's what I've been doing during these relaxing hours. I've also been trying to get the bf in gear to do the same thing. He's currently student teaching, but he could really use some better organization skills and should really reconnect with important and relevant connections. So I've been doodling a business card for him, and I also set up a gmail account for him.

Steps in the right direction? I think so.

Any more ideas? I'd love to hear them!

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