Wednesday, February 4, 2009

what cha' doin'?

What's been going on "dans ma vie":

Listening to - GirlTalk:

Reading: Wheel of Time # 4, Breaking Dawn & The Audacity of Hope.

(Cue the Beatles-mania-esque screams.)

Doing: Applying for jobs. I have a part time job, but dear lord, I need mo' money! I'd love to have my old regular job back, making $10/hr. and being able to work from my apt.

Creating: Writing some, actually. Ideas for more ideas for more ideas. Ecetera, ecetera.

Planning: Going on some trips, if I ever get a better job. Where to? One friend wants to go to Myrtle Beach (eek) and another wants to go on a train trip to Portland Oregon (yes!), but the beau and I are seriously thinking about a 3-wk trip to the northeast/Quebec, which is exciting and should give me more inspiration to find a good-paying job - stat.

Ciao, loves!

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