I've been feeling super crafty lately. I think it mostly has to do with not having a job and therefore having copious amounts of time laying around to play with.

This crafty feeling has permeated my life to the extent that just the other day I made a list (
big surprise!) of all the things I want to make and eventually sale on
Etsy (and any other place I can find). Here's a sampling of the list (I won't torture you with the whole list - it was over 2 pages long!):
-Bar Soaps (for hands, body, face, hair, etc.)
-Candles (Soy and Beeswax)
-Cleaners (for laundry, dishes, all-purpose, etc.)
-Bags (grocery, tote, purses, laundry, etc.)
-Slips (for ipods, laptops, various portable electronics, etc.)
-Hair Accessories (clips, barrettes, headbands/wraps, etc.)
-Jewelry (necklaces, earrings, rings, bracelets, brooches, etc.)
-Clothing (dresses, skirts, blouses, coats, undies, bathing suits, etc.)
Enough, maybe? Hardly. :)
(In addition to using my time for crafty things, I've also spent many hours writing for my blogs and trying to connect socially - via the internets. If you haven't noticed I've a had a plethora of posts on my other two blogs:
Lu-n-Am &
Je Suis Un Rainbow.)